Create videos with code.

Etro is a JavaScript video-editing framework for the browser and Node

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npm install etro


Include it with

<script src="node_modules/etro/dist/etro-iife.js"></script>

Let's look at an example:

var movie = new etro.Movie({ canvas: outputCanvas })
var layer = new etro.layer.Video({ startTime: 0, source: videoElement })  // the layer starts at 0s
movie.record({ frameRate: 24 })  // or just `play` if you don't need to save it
    .then(blob => ...)

This renders videoElement to a blob at 24 fps. This blob can then be downloaded as a video file.

Effects can transform the output of a layer or movie:

var layer = new etro.layer.Video({ startTime: 0, source: videoElement })
    .addEffect(new etro.effect.Brightness({ brightness: +100 }))

Using in Node

To use Etro in Node, use the wrapper:

npm i etro-node
var etroNode = require('etro-node')

etroNode(() => {
  // You can access inputs as html elements and pass them to Etro as usual.
  var image = document.getElementById('input1') // <img> element

  // Use etro normally ...

// Tell Etro Node what inputs to load with { id: path }
}, { input1: 'image.png' }, 'output.mp4')

etroNode() takes an optional Puppeteer page argument, so you can run multiple Etro scripts on the same movie (useful for servers). See the docs.


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